Police Trunk Pack Organizer with Kevlar by Ford / Dupont - Price

Trunk Pack Organizer with Kevlar protection. Used in police cars to safely carry guns ammo etc. and organize equipment for quick access. NO LIDS available. Factory label says POLICE TRUNK PACK . ALIGN HARD OR SHARP POLICE EQUIPMENT LATERALLY. DuPont KEVLAR used to reinforce front wall for puncture resistance. Ford. DuPont KEVLAR . Used but in good usable condition. Could also be used by hunters. Could possibly be used as a feed trough for cattle if securely mounted in a trough frame or on a wall. Would function well as a large planter if holes were drilled in the bottom to allow drainage. Approximate dimensions 46 wide. Back wall ht. 14 . Middle divider ht. 10 . Front ht. 8 . 25 each. Several available. Item 372. Located in Northeast Manatee County about 40 miles southeast of Tampa. Call 941.776.1444 For more quality used equipment see our website www.morgantrailers.biz MENTION THIS AD FOR THIS LOW INTERNET PRICE



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