Creative Software Lessons (North Dallas) - Price: 40 hr

Hello Want to get your ideas off the ground. Are you interested in learning Adobe Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Dreamweaver HTML CSS and much more. If you are ready to take your business to the next level or are you a student that wants to learn how to make your portfolio shine. Learn the magic of Adobe Creative Suite. I teach one on one how to use and master the tools to make your projects come off the ground. Learn how to Make your portfolio shine. Make a banner sign ad etc. Make your photos stand out. Fix and correct old or damaged photos. Make your own ads business cards business flyers and self promotions. And much more. - My fee is simply 40 hour. - Minimum of 1 1 2 hours. - Meet at a safe and secure area. Contact me to secure a time and acquire knowledge that will last for a lifetime. Thomas



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