Noire - Male Akita

Located in SAN JOSE CATete Noire (Called Norrie by his close friends) is a 7 to 8 year old Male Akita Neutered. 98lbs. Noire was found wandering in San Jose California and weighed in at around 71lbs. Most of his hair was gone and he was suffering from severe mobility issues as well as malnourishment. He was spotted by a Shiba Rescue who sent out notices for him but was never reclaimed. For the last 6 months Noire has been living in a Foster Home and gets along well with dogs large and small. However he is head shy allowing only very close humans to pet his head without snapping at them and in one case where he was under severe stress he bit a human who was touching his head. His reactions are such as though he was beaten or hurt by past owners.So only folks with deep commitment to training Noire and patience with his issues will be considered. No first time Akita owners and no children for this dog s new family.He is currently on medicines to help him manage the stiffness in his back legs and occasionally is prone to hot spots so he is fed limited ingredient foods to keep his allergies at bay. With the right human this handsome and loving boy is very protective and playful. He can t really run but he sure can walk and he wants to walk right into a new forever home Follow us on Instagram (at) -X ---.- apassionforpaws and on Facebook (at) -XX -.--XX.- pages A-Passion-For-Paws-Rescue-Inc 95142903795 FOR COURTESY POSTINGS PLEASE CONTACT THE SHELTER OR INDIVIDUAL LISTED DIRECTLY for more information on a particular dog.Did you know that you can be a hero If this homeless dog steals your heart and you can t adopt at this time we would welcome you to sponsor his her rescue and save a life. Let us know by emailing us at -----(at)--- THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ANIMAL RESCUE ... More Info



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