2007 GMC Yukon SLE - Price: $14,998

2007 GMC Yukon SLE Green V8 5.3L Automatic 173365 miles ALL PRICE SPECIALS INCLUDE CUSTOMER INCENTIVES AVAILABLE AT DATE OF PRICING AND MAY CHANGE AT DEALER DISGRESSION. PRICING MAY NOT INCLUDE ACCESSORIES OR SPECIALTY ITEMS INSTALLED. (ASK DEALER) DEALER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PRICE ERRORS DUE TO COMPUTER CODE OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. ALL PRICES ARE IN STOCK UNITS ONLY Locking Limited Slip Differential Four Wheel Drive Tow Hitch Tow Hooks Traction Control Stability Control Tires - Front All-Season Tires - Rear All-Season Conventional Spare Tire Aluminum Wheels Power Steering ABS 4-Wheel Disc Brakes Luggage Rack Running Boards Side Steps Automatic Headlights Heated Mirrors Power Mirror(s) Privacy Glass Intermittent Wipers Power Driver Seat Cloth Seats Split Bench Seat Pass-Through Rear Seat Rear Bench Seat Floor Mats Adjustable Steering Wheel Leather Steeri



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