Adopt Leroy a Black - with White Alaskan Malamute Labrador Retr

This is a courtesy listing for a dog from Lucky Paws Rescue. Leroy is a chunky 80 lb eight year old Alaskan Malamute x Black Labrador mixture. Leroy is a attractive goofy boy with a huge personality. He has the most precious smile and just loves to hang out with his person. He is nice on a leash loves being brushed and has never marked in the house. Leroy is good with other female dogs when properly introduced and loves being outside and going for a walk. Leroy s greatest weakness is kitties and exploring so he will need a securely fenced back yard and a home without cats. Leroy was raised in a home with little kids therefor he quite enjoys the company of dog savvy kids of any age. Leroy still enjoys chasing other dogs a ball and a Frisbee out in the yard and would like to take nice strolls with you around town stopping to say hello to everyone else out walking. He would love a home with another female or submissive male dog but that is not required....



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