Adopt Sigmund a White Bichon Frise Lhasa Apso Mixed dog in Min

Introducing Sigmund This lovable pup was rescued by our team when he was turned into a local Firehouse. So now we are burning our own trails to get him to a furever home Sigmund will be easy to live with a cheerful pleasant house dog who enjoys playing games snuggling into laps and pillows and perching on the back of the sofa so he can peer out the window.Exercise needs are easy to meet a daily walk or two plus a small yard in which to trot around and stretch his legs. Sigmund has been peaceful with everyone including other pets. Siggy weighs 15 lbs.Since this is an animal clinic please call or e-mail to see what time is best to come and meet this pet. Country Lakes Animal Clinic is in Mine Hill NJ. Phone 973-584--XE-mail -X(at)



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