Adopt Baby Tom a Black - with White Border Collie Labrador Retr

Pictures coming very soon.Tom and his brother Huck came to us from a shelter where they were brought in as strays. Around 7 mnths old it is obvious they have been together for a long time. These boys are definitely Border Collies in personality and intelligence. They crave the human touch and just being near you. We think they most likely have a little Black Labrador in them. Because of that we feel they will be somewhere around 60lbs when fullgrown but perhaps a little smaller. These boys don t know what a leash or collar is but it will not take long to get them trained. They want only to please and with their smarts learn very very quickly. True to their breeding they want to touch their human and sometimes that means they jump - but again they are learning very quickly that does not please their human. ...



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