Small Warehouse Worker - Compensation: TBD

Queens company is looking for a P T experienced picker packer to work in our warehouse. Candidate must be extremely reliable and trustworthy. The position requires a hands-on person who is hard working and detail oriented. This position requires someone able to work in both a fast paced and slow environment. Duties include but are not limited to Picking and packing of customers orders Preparing shipping documents with UPS Receiving daily shipments of UPS Receiving LTL shipments and container loads Inventory and stocking shelves Prepare LTL shipments Requirements Must be able to follow instructions Must be able to communicate ( Give feedback on warehouse status) Must have an attention to detail with a minimal amount of mistakes Ability to lift and carry heavy items (some 50 lbs. or more) Must be able to work on their feet all day ( this is not a desk job) Experience with UPS Worldship software is a plus Must be able to adapt to directional changes Must be able to drive a forklift Pallet jack and industry tool knowledge is a MUST Must be able to communicate well with customers Please fax or email your resume to Elizabeth at resume.columbiacutlery(at) or 718-460-2686



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