2007 Toyota Camry - Price: 7600

The car has been very well maintained from day one. All the services have been performed and the car needs nothing. It even has 4 new yokahoma tires new battery and freshly serviced. My father was a mechanic so he is funny about keeping a car perfect. The car has every option except nav. They include leather power everything heated seats sunroof keyless entry and what ever else Toyota offered. I have all of the original paperwork and books . If you are seriously lo.oking this is a great car. This car has never been involved in any accidents or has any paintwork . The only flaws are a small spot on the drivers seat (will include a pic) a small door ding on the passanger side and the underside of the front bumper has a few small curb rash. I want to be upfront. Other then them small things(it is used) its perfect mechanically and cosmetically. Contact me if you have any questions and ask all questions ZENDEJASDAMIAN4(at)hotmail.com



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