Boothbay Harbor Award Winning B and B For Sale - Price: 499,000

BOOTHBAY HARBOR Maine Victorian B & B BayBerry House is an elegantly renovated 1886 Victorian B & B in Boothbay Harbor close to the schooners shops and fine waterside restaurants. Nationally ranked in the top 10 B& Bs nationally (out of 20 000 candidates) in 3 of the last 4 years Bayberry House offers classic Maine hospitality with a healthy dollop of sophisticated panache. Four generous bedrooms and the two-room suite are decorated in the celebrated Wedgwood china colors. All feature private marble baths state-of-the -art fixtures and Hi-Def flat screen TVs. Most have fireplaces to take the early autumn chill off and all have easy chairs to curl into after a day on the water. A welcoming fresh air porch and open living room with dining area compliment the heart of this home - the kitchen featuring granite counters tile floors and rich cherry cabinetry. Bayberry House is thoughtfully furnished with antiques and contemporary furnishings. The private owners quarters is light-filled with window seats in the living room and a full kitchen featuring oak cabinets tile floors and a generous granite-topped center island. Toast the day s end from the large western deck off the master bedroom. Bayberry House is run currently as a seasonal venture to accommodate the owner s other business interests. There is plenty of upside growth potential by tapping into the spectacular shoulder seasons the destination wedding business and off season packages. It will convey fully equipped furnished and turnkey. See for more information.



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