American Staffordshire Pups 8 weeks

We have four beautiful males left. Pups were born on the 26th of february. Mom and dad on premises and available to view. One large bodied dark blue male with a white chest and one white foot. One solid red super tall male with a coal black nose. One buckskin male with dark muzzle and white chest big boned. One light orange male with dark stripe down the back to the tip of the tail and a dark muzzle with a white blaze on face. These little dudes are our babies and we treat them as such. We are looking for loving homes familiar with the breed to take our pups in between ten and twelve weeks. They have all had two vet visits being wormed first then wormed and vaccinated. I am a professional dog trainer here locally and my wife works for FSU so we are here almost all the time. We are working on potty training every day as well as socialization with dogs of all sizes and people big and small. Pups can be visited and played with by appointment. We look forward to interacting with you. JAMES



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