Larry - Male Labrador RetrieverTerrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Larry is a Labrador Retriever Terrier mix. His estimated DOB is 08 03 2015 and he weighed 47 lbs. He arrived at our shelter as a stray. Larry s adoption fee is 150 which includes him being neutered up-to-date on all vaccines microchipped and heartworm tested. Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. As we get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality not by breed label. All PPAS puppies and dogs are up to date on all of their vaccines (including rabies if age appropriate) and will be micro chipped and registered in the adopter s name at the time of adoption. Adopters get a free consultation at an area vet partner within 14 days of adoption. Any dog that is six months of age or older will be tested for Heartworms and if found negative will be kept on Heartworm prevention during their shelter stay after the adoption it is up to the adopter to continue the highly recommended Heartworm preventative treatment. Also all PPAS shelter dogs are treated with a monthly topical flea tick preventative and we ask that adopters continue that treatment as well. Per state law we sterilize all shelter pets before they begin their new fabulous lives with their new families. The shelter is open to the public Mon Wed Thurs 11-6 and Sat 11-4. If you are interested in this dog or puppy please either email Prairie Paws Animal Shelter at -X(at)----- for an application visit our website (at) or call -.-.-X for more information. Prairie Paws Animal Shelter 3173 HWY K68 Ottawa KS 66067 -----X Hours Mon Wed Thurs - 11am-6pm Saturday 11am -4pm Closed Tuesday Friday and Sunday Closed On The Following Holidays New Year s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Here s the scoop on the adoption process A hold may be placed on an animal for 20.00 a day up to 3 business days ( 60.00 max). The hold fee is non refundable. We encourage folks that are interested in a certain animal to put down a hold fee (a credit card number may be given over the phone) to ensure the animal they are interested is available for their meet and greet. You may put down a 1 day hold for 20.00 without an approved application but anything longer than that we will need an approved application on file. Putting the animal on hold makes it so others can not have a meet and greet with the said animal until the hold expires. Holds are on a first call come first serve basis. You must call or come in holds can not be put down via email. You must also submit an adoption application for the dog for any hold over 1 day. In person meet and greet potential adopters must come and meet the animal before an adoption can take place. We can not do over the phone sight unseen adoptions. Because of financial constraints our days and hours vary. Business hours should be listed on website (-.---XX.-) or at end this post. If you have other animals we encourage you to bring to the meet and greet. We have animal runs outside the facility where the meet and greet can take place. The adoption application must be filled out and approved. Adoption applications are available on our website or at the meet and greet. -X ---XX.- wp-content uploads 2014 05 Dog-Adoption-Form.pdf Common sticky points for folks are if they rent we have to call the landlord to make sure it is okay for you have a pet. If you have other pets we call your vet to make sure their vaccinations are up to date. We can not approve the application until they are. It s great if you want to include current documentation on up to date vaccinations with your application. Speeds the process along. Once approval has been given an adoption fee must be paid in full no partial payments. Adoption fees vary. Please note if you live in the city of Ottawa a dog license fee must also be paid. Taking your animal home all cats and dogs must be sterilized (spayed neutered) before going to their new homes it is a state requirement. In most cases animals will have already been sterilized before hitting the adoption floor and you will be available to take your new companion home with you the day of adoption with an approved application.... More Info



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