Simon - Male Shih Tzu

(Available for adoption within 100 miles of Tallahassee FL)Handsome 6 year old Simon came to CSTR from an animal shelter in Louisiana where he was dumped by his family. He was unfortunately abused by the family s children and so it s taken some time for him to learn that he is safe. Once he arrived in Tallahassee he saw our vet and was found to be heartworm positive so he spent the next couple months going through heartworm treatment and is now heartworm-free Because of his past abuse he definitely would not be appropriate for a home with children he is a sweet boy though who desperately wants to be loved.Simon is neutered vaccinated heartworm negative and on preventative and microchipped. He has also had a dental cleaning. He walks well on a leash and is working on housetraining in his foster home. He gets along well with other dogs and cats and he would be fine with or without a fence and with or without another dog in the home.Adoption Fee 250A copy of the vet records will be provided to adopter at the time of adoption. This dog is fostered in the Tallahassee FL area and adoption applications will be accepted from individuals living within a 100 mile radius. Visit our website at -X -----X.- adopt to view our adoption information and complete our online adoption application.If you have submitted an inquiry about this dog and have not received a response please CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. We respond to all inquiries within 48 hours at the most but oftentimes within hours of receiving them. Unable to Adopt at this time There are other ways to help Check out our Web site ... More Info



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