Selina - Female German Shepherd Dog Mix

Selina would love to finally find that perfect FOSTER or FOREVER home She is just under 5 1 2 years old is good with kids and she loves to snuggle and play. Selina is a smart girl and knows sit paw and most other common commands she can use a little brush up with her leash work. Selina is easy going and will either sleep in her crate at night or sleep with you with a blankie. She is a very good girl who just wants to be your one and only pup (no other dogs or cats) Please make her your forever dog All of our animals are examined by a veterinarian given age-appropriate vaccinations dewormed heartworm tested and treated if necessary. Vet references are required and prior to adoption a home inspection will be conducted. Transport options available. Adoption fee applies. If interested go to -.--X.- for an application.All of our animals are examined by a veterinarian given age-appropriate vaccinations dewormed microchipped spayed or neutered heartworm tested and treated if necessary. Vet references are required and prior to adoption a home inspection will be conducted. Transport options available. Adoption fee applies. If interested go to -.--X.- for an application.... More Info



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