FRANNIE - Female Dachshund Mix

FRANNIE is a one year old Dachshund mix found stuffed in a crate along with HEATHER and SHELBY. They were abandoned in front of a local hardware store over night and found in the morning when employees came to work. FRANNIE is a sweet sweet girl with lots of spunk and personality. She loves toys and she also loves to be held and cuddled. FRANNIE will give someone lots of love and lots of kisses.HARRISON COUNTY DOG POUND 28900 Toot Road Cadiz Ohio 43907 (740) ---X. 35.00 adoption fee which includes the dog license tag for the year. Effective June 1 2015 Hours Monday - Friday 10AM-4PM Saturday 9AM-2PM Sundays and holidays CLOSED.Email -----X(at)----... More Info



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