Ferguson Copeland, Ltd. Luxury Glass Top Dining Table Set - Pric

Made by Ferguson Copeland Ltd quality fine furnishings in Morganton NC and purchased at Luxury furniture store Robb and Stucky in Naples FL origanally purchased for 12 000.00. For sale is a stunning glass table top 1 thick glass with a gorgeous gold bronze rod iron palm tree base with exquiste detail. The table comes with four very detailed Rattan chairs color (Brandy) and Gold tone cushions with palm tree and leopard design.(2) Arm chairs in the set. The cushions also have gold braid tassels (the cushions do not come off the chairs). This is an absulutly unique set The glass top measures 5 feet in diameter the base measures 29 inches total hieght 30inches. The glass approximate weight 200lbs the base approximate weight is 120lbs a large table this is a very well made peice of art Perfect for anyone who appreciates quality workmanship and the exceptional detail that this set offers.Very West Indies Tropical design classy Table comes with a professionally made crate for transporting. Local pick up preferred but open too options for bordering states. PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY THANK YOU OR BEST OFFER.



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