Donations Needed

On May 3 2013 The Page family lost their home and belongings in a firein Waco Bay Estates which is located in Wills Point Texas and are needing a new or used trailor either temporarily or permanently or a house can be built on the land since they own it. One neighbor has given them a small trailor to have but it is in great need for repairs. It is basically to small for Philip because he is 6 6 and the trailor is 6 4 in heigth and is just a shell. It needs bathroom fixtures kitchen fixtures and appliances cabinets walls etc. Both Ollie and Philip are disabled and have a limited income which has no room for repairs like the trailor they are receiving requires. They also have split custody of their 8 grandchildren who range from ages 2-14 that they care for in the summer time and on holidays. Ollie has congestive heart failure and when the fire happened she had a mild heart attack. Other tests showed she has pneumonia and arrhythmia that could require a heart transplant in her near future if medication does not work. At this time family members are cleaning the area from the burned debris because of Ollies health conditions. She will not be able to be around this per doctor s orders. She is to avoid ALL stress of any sorts or she will be returning to the hospital for care. Ollie s family is doing everything they can to help her through this time but even they are monetarily challenged meaning they have limited incomes to assist with. However if someone is willing to donate lumber and appliances we will build her the home she deserves. In 2005 Ollie and Philip had to move to Dallas from Rusk to care for Ollie s mother who passed away in 2006 from colon cancer. Ollie acquired most of her mother s belongings which burned in the fire. Although they have some items still in a storage building in Rusk it does not contain furniture or appliances which she will need. They also need a riding lawnmower because the doctor has told Ollie that she can no longer do yardwork and to many tedious activities that she loves doing and Philip is diabetic and has problems with his legs and knees. She loves to quilt and lost her sewing machine as well as her mother s sewing machine and materials that belonged to them as well. Ollie and Philip would skype with their grandkids on their computer and that is gone. If you can help this family with any of these donations God Bless You and much appreciation from the Page family is sent to you.



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