Toro 5700 multi Pro Sprayer - Price: 34,500.00

Toro Multi Pro 5700 is able to handle the largest jobs. Sprayer has Kubota 35.5 H.P. engine with a 300 gal. spray tank.Equiped with a18.5 wing span. Covered umbrela boom is able to spray on windy days. Large dual diaphragm pump delivers 30 gal min at 220 PSI. Foam marker and side fresh water tank. Has opitioal sun shade and hose real. This sprayer is equipped with Toro Pro Control Sprayer System. This system automatically calibrates and maintains an even rate of spray while changing speeds or traveling over varied terrain. Pro control allows for independent control of each boom section and automatically shuts off spray when the vechicle stops. program mulitple application rates on the user control panel or press the manual override button for manual spot spraying. This unit only has 417 hours on it.



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