Seeking a full-time Gastroenterology Nurse Practitioner or Physi

Nurse Practitioner Nurse Practitioner provides direct and indirect patient care services and education under written and approved standardized protocols and procedures. Experience & Training Master s degree required. National Certification (NCC) required in Family or Internal Medicine with experience in Gastroenterology in medical office setting. Completion of a Nurse Practitioner training program and certification by the State Board of Registered Nursing. Current Nurse Practitioner license and Furnishing Number to practice nursing in the state of California and current American Heart Association BLS for Health Care Providers required. ACLS preferred. Physician Assistant Physician Assistant provides patient evaluation education and health care services. Experience & Training Bachelor s degree required. Graduate from an accredited Physician Assistant training program licensed by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) required in Family or Internal Medicine with experience in Gastroenterology in medical office setting. Current Physician Assistant license and DEA number required. Current American Heart Association BLS for Health Care Providers required. ACLS preferred. Our compensation package includes competitive pay excellent benefits starting the first day of the month following date of employment generous paid time off (PTO) tuition reimbursement and 403(b) plan with employer match paid licensure and CEUs. Thank you. LeeAnne Ford 818 884 8420



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