Baldwin Filters

Salvex Listing ID 182951711 Item Details This lot of Baldwin Filters is available as part of a surplus and is being sold to recover funds and storage space. Product Baldwin Filters Quantity 677 Filters See supporting documents for complete inventory and part numbers Quantity 677 filters Location Tampa Florida United States Condition Seller claims these filters are new overstock Sold as is where is buyer is responsible for verifying quality and quantity before removing from sellers storage facility Seller Terms This product is purchased as is where is basis buyer is responsible for all moving and freight costs. The seller does not offer any warranties or any manufacturer warranties. Upon receipt of cleared funds seller will give the buyer a release order for item pick up. All product sold as is where is. Go to listings listing_detail.cfm aucID 182951711 to view complete listing (with photos) and place your bid. Contact David Anderson at 713-229-9000 817-446-1133 or 713 229 9000 if you have specific questions pertaining to this listing.



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