Volunteers at Animal House to help with rescued animals..ect

Animal House provides a number of services to the community. We provide the opportunity for early learning programs and classrooms to receive hands on education on a number of reptiles mammals fish and birds in a controlled environment. These programs are coordinated to teach children basic knowledge of animals pets and their care. Children are encouraged not to handle animals they see in the wild or unknown animals without an owner s permission. Animal House also provides a unique experience to the elderly. Volunteers gather a number of common and exotic animals. Transport them to the assisted living centers to provide the residents with the chance to interact with animals in a setting where they may no longer be allowed to have their own beloved pets. In addition to this program Animal House provides a free pickup to the elderly that are no longer able to care for their pets and a free drop off for the University students leaving the area. Cats birds reptiles and small animals that are rescued or dropped off are cared for and rehomed. Animal House rehomed over 240 cats in 2012 and helped local Scouts earn their badges. Animal House also participates in Monongalia County Schools SWAP program (School to Work Action Program). Whose goal is to prepare students with disabilities for the world of work upon graduation through work experience and increase their ability to get a job. We are on the WVU iServe. A West Virginia University recognized community service program able to provide an opportunity to university students to complete community service hours for degree programs misdemeanor violations or just for fun. Our programs are in place to encourage people to learn about animals how to properly handle and care for them and reduce the number of animals abandoned or taken to shelters. Animal House is an official WVU Community Partner.



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