Rototiller Puppies Ready end of May

I have 9 puppies 7 males & 2 females parents-Sire is CKC pedigree & is German American Rott dam is AKC pedigree German stock. over 100 pds. unregistered health (didnt want to pay the cost) Vet conducted the hip health tested for cancer & other deformities & found no issues. Puppies has been checked by Vet 3 times & getting wormed & 1st shots tails docked & dew claws removed. Will deliver for extra charge depends on location 550 is price of male puppy without papers with Papers CKC cost is 700 and for females add 100 to each option My delievery area is Eastern LA GA AL Florida Pan Handle south eastern S.C. which there is a charge (payment must be in full for this option) I am taking deposits. Paypal Walmart Money Order and or money transfer to bank. I also take checks but will hold until cleared. 931 510-1225 text anytime.



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