Attractive 2002 Ford Windstar Sport Wagon Edition,Full Automatic

Dont Miss this great DEAL First Come First Serve Selling this Great Deal Nice 2002 Ford Windstar Sport Edition(This is The most popular & Reliable Minivan to drive for Family or even Business)this is the Sport Edition The Highest Edition of the Windstar sAlberta Registered Active StatusPerfect Engine & Automatic Transmission Attractive Black in ColorPower Seats Power Sliding Doors Captain Seats Fully LoadedRuns Great Power Locks Windows MirrorsNeed Nothing Drive it home...Very Low Mileage for its year has only 220 000 KM (Highway Mileage)Selling it for only 2 550 Priced to sell)The First one who gonna see this Minivan no doubts gonna buy it right awayFor more info and to view you are welcome to call me anytime at my 403-714-87-63 (Available 24 7 To Receive phone Calls) in NE Calgary Thank Youvisit Note We Also Buy Cars in Calgary. if you need to sell your car dont hesitate to call us anytime at 403-71-4-8-763 (Available 24 7)



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