Beautifully Renovated Vacation home in resident owned park. Within approx 15 min of Treasure Island Maderia Beach Indian Rocks etc on the Golf of Mexico. This is a spacious 2 bedroom home with good laminate flooring through out. Large Oak Kitchen overlooking the Living room and 1 4 piece bath. Oversized Florida room (Sunrrom) with R.V. screening and Vinyl Siding windows coverint the entire front. Two large sheds and 3 small for storage. Laundry room with washer and dryer and includes contents of Trailer 2012 Taxes annually 379.08 Lot fees 174.00 a month cover maintance of park (garbage pick-up grass cutting replacement of fences or other items belonging to park needing repair and water. For more information call Barbara at 1-289-296-7088 (Resident owned means ea person owns a share in the park. Shares are estimated at approx 20 000. ea and the asking price is including the shares) Sorry no pets allowed



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