Aggressively Seeking Commission/Home based Sales position, I hav

Hello I have submitted to you this synopsis (albeit not all inclusive) a few days ago. I believe that based on my past accomplishments on Wall St. I can be of great asset to your company I am a superlative closer and as mentioned I do have several references going back over my 32 year career on Wall St. and please read the following this should hopefully give you a good idea as to what I have accomplished over the past 30 years on Wall St. I do as of last year live in Lancaster PA I purchased this home a few years ago and mistakenly decided to retire and move here full time after 30 years on Wall St. I m extremely anxious to get back on the phone Full time plus My former Theater of Operations was at 14 Wall St. NY NY. I do have an exceptionally strong sales background making my auspicious debut in 82 as a Stock Broker (penny stocks) I was within my first 4-5 months consistently in the top 1-3% in gross sales (200 Brokers)... I opened up my own firm in 91 at one time had 40 brokers working for me. I left the penny stock business in 96 following a nasty divorce. I started an Investor Relations firm at about this time I would basically establish and maintain orderly trading markets for publicly traded companies. My first year earnings were just shy of 1Million. The great Lehman Debacle of 08 (plus a large number of unfavorable factors converging within the same time frame)... the net result of this totally decimated the industry. I do have references which I will gladly furnish upon request. Warmest regards Anthony Leone direct line 516-341-8963 Please call me whenever practicable for you. Ps... I AM LOOKING FOR FULL TIME HOME BASED WORK. AS MENTIONED ABOVE I AM A SUPERLATIVE CLOSER. REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. And suffice it to say I am looking very forward to speaking with you as soon as practicable. Warmest regards Anthony Leone. 516-341-8963. > I have also produced a Financial Show for CNBC called Let s Talk Stock I Conceptualized Scripted and Produced the show with Mr. Bill Boggs as the host. In addition to that I Produced in excess of 200 Radio shows with Mr. Bill Bresnan as host called Spotlight on Emerging Equities which was eventually syndicated Nationwide. Direct line 516-341-8963



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