F1b Goldendoodle Puppies Available for Christmas Only Six Left

F1b Goldendoodle puppies born October 26th-27th. Available for new home mid-December just in time for Christmas. They will have dewclaws removed be up to date on shots and worming.The parents Allie and Prince Thorn are very good with children incredibly intelligent loving and are family pets. The sire is a Silver Beige AKC registered Standard Poodle named Prince Thorn (his registered name is Prince SuZee Thorn Wooferd James -he s the darker one in the photos). The dam Allie is an F1 Goldendoodle from a 100% English Golden Retriever and 100% Standard Poodle breeding (the red one in the photos).The puppies are 75% poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. They will have low shedding and low allergy potential like a poodle. This makes them great as family pets. Puppies will be raised around kids and with a lot of human interaction.For more information please visit our website at www.HensonAcres.com message me call or text Tim at 269-207-9746. We have a waiting list and already have families on the list. The first person to pay the 500 deposit goes on the list first gets first pick and so on. Males will be 1 000 each. Females will be 1 300 each. We accept Paypal cash or United States Postal Service money orders only.



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