Men Who Cook - Price: $20 p/ticket

Name of the Organization Blacks In Government Date of the Event 13 October 2013 Time 2pm - 6pm Location Leon Valley Community Center 6400 El Verde Rd. Leon Valley Texas 78238 Details Of The Event We need MEN WHO COOK Husbands Sons Brothers Grandfathers Uncles Friends Co-Workers and Church Members will do Men of every culture race and background are needed to share their favorite dish for tasting. If you think you have what it takes in the kitchen and would like to make a difference in a young child s life then this fundraiser is for you. You don t have to be a professional cook. All experience levels are welcome and accepted. The proceeds of this fundraiser will be used to benefit our annual Youth Oratorical Competition and Scholarship Fund. Contact Person for the Event Synthya Barbee - synthya_barbee(at) or Tim Duncan - dttd13(at)



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