Gorgeous Blue Merle Female Mini Auusie Puppy Champion lines DM a

This is our Blue Merle Female 5 She is so beautiful She looks just like her momma Paisley She has the same gorgeous darker background base coat color as Paisley She also has a cute uniquely marked little snout that is half black and 1 2 grey. she is absolutely gorgeous At SHILOH CREEK MINI AUSSIES ALL of our dogs are clear for DM mdr1 Prcd & HC If you do not know a lot about these diseases Please for your puppies sake and your own do some research before you choose a puppy DM and Mdr1 in particular are bad ones All our puppies come microchipped AKC papered vaccinated wormed tails docked and dew claws removed (unless buyer requests otherwise). They get a collar leash harness toy they are familiar with and a blanket that smells like mom to ease seperation. They will be very socialized and have a head start on potty training and basic commands. We do imprinting with our puppies from birth which we feel is very important if you would like to know more about this feel free to ask us Our dogs are part of our family and live indoors with us they recreate with us and have a large fenced lawn to play and run when they want We do NOT cage our dogs We welcome your visit to come meet our puppies if you would like Paisley & Mic had a large litter of 8 last night. There are 5 blue Merle females two black tri males and one red tri male. This littler has very beautiful markings They were born during the night on May 11-12th 2016 they are all registered AKC Miniature Australian Shepherd. (Also known as Mini American Shepherds.) The momma Paisley is a gorgeous blue Merle and has one of the sweetest temperaments She is VERY laid back in the house but loves to run with our other girls in the yard and play. She is an international champion and an absolutely wonderful and gorgeous girl The daddy Mic is a Stunning Black Tri with Rich copper trim and beautiful white. He turns heads wherever he goes and also has a great temperament He comes from champion bloodlines Check out our website for more photos and information www.shilohcreekminiaussies.com Please feel free to call with any questions 530-575-5153 And of course you can always email us as well Shilohcreekminiaussies(at)gmail.com



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