New bee hives WITH bees.

We are now taking orders for hive splits from our over-wintered survivor hives on our farm near Kalamazoo MI. Each year we have to make splits from our hives because they get so large. We setup brand new hives using brand new equipment then install the bees into it including the queen from the original hive (1 year old) let it set about a month so they get building on their pollen and honey then sell them as a bundle to those that want a jumpstart on a hive. This is great for either getting started or expanding on your bee yard quickly. Just pickup the hive from our farm and set it on your property where you want it and that s it the bees will do their thing and you ll instantly become a beekeeper. We don t use any chemical treatments for anything on our farm either. Hives consists of lid 1 deep brood box inner screen cover for summer 10 frames 10 black plastic wax coated foundation and screen bottom again for summer. When you pick up your hives and bees the whole brood box will be almost full of brood pollen nectar and honey. Reminder these splits are installed into brand new equipment from our bee store. No worries about the dangers of used equipment. Hives will be available mid JUNE depending on weather. We will call you when they are ready. These hives won t be available long as they are our most popular product of the year. For more info or to order now call Great Lakes Bee Supply. When you buy from us you get 24 7 bee assistance with any bees or products purchased for as long as you have your hives. Not sure how to care for these hives We offer a LOT of FREE bee classes throughout the year More at



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