Betty Boop Porcelain Dolls - Price: $1000

I have a total of 10 Danbury Mint Betty Boop Porcelain Dolls all in boxes and in Excellent condition. Buy one or buy them all at a discount price. If you are a serious buyer I will negotiate the whole collection. See pictures below of dolls with original shipping cartons and packing materials. I am only allowed to show 5 dolls. If you are interested I can send pictures of any others by email. All prices below are negotiable within reason I have done my research on all of these and feel the prices are within collectible prices all have serial numbers except Sofistication. Complete list Toast of the Town 500 Miss Liberty 2000 70 Unforgetable 150 Sofistication 85 Cheerleader 75 Bathing Beauty 75 Shopping Spree 60 Irresistable 90 Allure 40 Betty Sets Sale w Wardrobe 75.



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