Licensed Journeyman Electricians Needed - Compensation: $27/hr +

Looking for licensed journeyman electricians for an industrial job in Tulsa OK.MUST be able to begin immediately Pay is 27 hr no per diem. Job duration is 6 months at 50 hrs per week. We are seeking well qualified industrial commercial journeyman electricians. The successful candidates must have the appropriate experience. This person must have a constant focus on safety and client satisfaction when performing the duties of this position as well as have a history of producing quality work with attention to detail. BASIC ELECTRICIAN REQUIREMENTS Installs maintains and or troubleshoots basic electrical systems Demonstrates ability to work without direct supervision Cleans and maintains job site tools etc Consistently follows workplace safety procedures Participates in toolbox talks safety audits and related safety functions Immediately identifies corrects and or reports any unsafe conditions or incidents in a timely manner Candidates must meet the following qualifications Minimum 5 years verifiable experience US citizenship or be authorized to work in US Must be able to speak and understand english Must have basic hand and power tools expected of an electrician Must have reliable transportation Must be dependable Ability to work without direct supervision We have an open and team-oriented philosophy that focuses on integrity and respect. We believe our employees are the most important reason why we are successful. Job sites vary by state travel will be 90% or more.Pay will vary depending on experience and skill set. Please respond with name phone number resume and or summary of qualifications and years of experience.



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