!!! Make Big $ with Phone Chat System for sale !!! - Price: $30,

This custom built complete working system has everything including the ability to automatically process pre-paid calling cards for any amount you choose in addition to Visa MasterCard Discover Diners and American Express credit cards via the included Merchant Account. It s completely automatic operating 24 hours a day 365 days a year to make you money even while you sleep. It uses a voice T1 line (24 digital phone lines) and can process 12 inbound and 12 outbound calls at the same time. However it will also process 24 inbound only calls or 24 outbound only calls at the same time. The system is scalable up to 72 lines. It is currently set up as an audio text system for the entertainment of adult callers (phone chat). Callers pay from 1.00 to 4.00 per min depending upon their menu choice. This system can also charge the callers for listening to pre-recorded content if they select that option. So no entertainers are needed to service those calls. All of the entertainers work from their home as independent contractors so payroll is simple as they pay their own taxes etc. However with some simple changes to the audio (standard wav files) for the menus this system can be used for many other applications such as Dating Service Psychic advice Tech support Sales support Customer support Surveys Tele-voting Travel info and booking etc. Legal info or services Medical info or services Also included are 820 pre-paid calling cards in 20 denominations. You can print more in any denomination. Merchant account for accepting credit cards Visa MasterCard Discover and Amex. 100 Vanity Toll Free (rare 1-800) phone numbers. Website - www.allerotica.net listen with an auto responder that can provide a free pin for free access for 3-5 min if you want to offer a free trial www.allerotica.net free_pin This server can be placed anywhere even in a closet and will operate hands free. The proceeds from the calls are automatically transferred into your checking account. Callers are charged for the time they are on the phone with an entertainer or listening to pre-recorded content. Your profits can add up fast. Over 150 000 was spent on the system design software hardware website and the printing of the pre-paid calling cards. Here s an opportunity to have a working money machine for a fraction of the original costs. Call 800-922-5300 ask for TJ for more info and a demo. Financing available. Thanks for looking. ( )



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