Tile Setter-Bathroom Remodels-Flooring-Ki tchens-Patios

I ve been in the construction industry for over 20 years. I do tile work for several contractors. My specialty is tiling which included but not limited to fireplaces back splashes showers and floors. I do install all types of tile from glass to stone. I also put in my own vinyl shower pans. I do all of my own plumbing including sweating copper install sinks & bathtubs. I do a little bit of drywall and also patching and texturing on walls. I do have the ability to do a whole bathroom remodel. Laminate flooring is another great opinion. It s very well priced and vary dependable & easy to clean I m a hard worker very dependable and reliable. Punctuality is very important to me. My number one goal has always been to keep the customer happy. I ve always worked on referrals & my good reputation and my customers are very important to me. If you need assists with any work please contact me as soon as possible. My schedule does fill up quickly. Please contact me to schedule an appointmen



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