MITCHELL LAKE Completely remodeled 3 bedroom 1 bath log cabin that can easily accommodate 6 people. This cozy cabin has French doors leading to the large cedar screened porch providing breath taking views down Mitchell Lake. Cabin has private dock and common sandy shore with play area. Part of Northernair Lodge with sauna Gift Shop boat pontoon rentals canoes and kayaks ready for your enjoyment. Hiking trails nearby and City of Ely on 4 miles away. Property is part of a Common Interest Community and must participate in the rental pool through a Property Management Agreement. This is an Investment Property to off set holding costs when you are not using the cabin pursuant to the CIC documents. MLS 4799465 Contact BETSY CLARK BROKER NORTHWOODS LAND OFFICE INC at 218-290-3619 Cell 218-753-2300 Office or email Broker(at) for CIC documents



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