Immaculate, Furnished Large 3 Br House with Pool, Lake Long/Shor

Beautiful large 3 500 SF 3 bedroom 3 bathroom home is the ideal vacation getway. This near new home is perfect in every way. -Furnished 3BR 3BA with pool and lake in back. Located in the nicest subdivision in NE Heron Bay Parkland on an oversized 1 2 acre corner lot with a circular driveway -Full kitchen w custom wood cabinetry new faucet & hot water dispenser new state of the art stainless steel appliances granite counter tops a glass top stove and a double oven with a full dining area -new washer dryer vaulted high 14 ceilings --Central Air Heat jetted bathtub in master eat in kitchen with lake view -3 TVs 2 flat screen and 1 regular color TVs Very safe quiet guard gated community in the prestigious 33076 zip code just a walk away from the swanky 100million club house heron-bay amenities plaza-del-lago Minimum 3-month stay. Please serious inquiries only. Please no games no barters no house swaps occupiers or internationals. Please email us with your details. 954-282-9361



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