Bee Pollen For Birds

Morning Bird Bee Pollen Powder For Pet Birds 3ozBee Pollen For Parrots - Bee Pollen For Birds Bee Pollen Powder is the most complete concentrated food found in nature and is an all natural source of vitamins minerals and amino acids. The nutritive detoxifying and healing properties of Bee Pollen Powder have been recognized for years. Use BEE POLLEN POWDER to boost the immune system and help prevent disease.DIRECTIONS FOR USE Feed to young and adult birds daily year round. Sprinkle one teaspoon (5ml) of BEE POLLEN POWDER over one cup of fruits vegetables soaked seed or soft food or offer as a free choice in a treat cup.Not for human use or consumption. Keep out of the reach of children.Keep container closed before and after use. Contains no preservatives. Store in a close container in a cool dry place. Freeze or refrigerate if storing longer than three weeks.ACTIVE INGREDIENTSBee Pollen Powder contains every known vitamin up to 40% protein and a full spectrum of amino acids. It contains over 25 trace minerals including every essential mineral 2-3 grams of essential fatty acids per ounce (Omega 3 linolec [Omega 6] monosaturated and saturated fatty acids) numerous active enzymes coenzymes and is rich in bioflavonoids carotenoids and phytosterols.Because Bee Pollen Powder is a natural substance the exact profile is variable depending upon plant sources and growing conditions.Typical Analysis Moisture 4% maximum.WARNING Not For Human Consumption. Keep out of the reach of children.NOTE These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease.



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