Teddy - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

Handsome Young DSH Brown Tabby with a little white Mix MaleTeddy is a very handsome 4 year old DSH Brown Tabby with a little white neutered male. He is very friendly and playful. He enjoys attention and pets and will even gentle grab your hand with his paw to bring it to him for pets. He has lots of energy and is very playful. We rescued him from being put down at another shelter so we don t have any background on him. He is doing well with his feline roommates as long as they don t try to dominate him. He is trying to find a playmate among them. He will need a home where he gets lots of interactive play to help him appropriately release some of his energy. He might not be the best fit for young children but should be fine with cat-friendly children who know how to play appropriately with cats (never with hands but with wand toys and things on strings lasers etc.). We don t know about dogs. Come meet this handsome young man to see if you have the safe lasting home where he gets lots of attention and play that he needs.... More Info



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