Carly - Female Siamese Mix

During the month of June the Carroll County Humane Society is supporting the cats and kittens at the Carroll County Animal Shelter by subsidizing their adoption fees. You can adopt a kitten (under 6 months old) for just 50 and an adult cat (over 6 months old) for just 30 Carly is a Siamese-mix kitty but with unusual points. There is a mixture of tabby color on her legs and her face - orange tabby and black tabby. She does have the facial characteristics of a Siamese - the longer nose and the wedge-shaped head and the pretty blue eyes. She is 3 years old.The cat adoption fee is 100. This covers the spay neuter surgery a 1-year rabies shot an fvrcp shot (feline distemper upper respiratory vaccine) test for feline aids and leukemia deworming microchip and 30-day pet health insurance.Carroll County Animal Shelter is located at 251 Automation Drive in Carrollton GA. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 00 till 5 00 Saturday 8 00 till 4 00. Phone -----X



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