Minor - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

Handsome Adult DSH Orange Tiger Tabby Male FIV Minolo is a big handsome 4.5 year old short-haired orange tabby tiger neutered male. He is very friendly sweet and loves attention. He was rescued from fending for himself on the streets for a long time so we don t have any background on him. He is FIV which is the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. It is only contagious to other cats. It means his immune system is a little weaker than average but most cats with FIV live long healthy lives if they are in a safe indoor only calm environment . They have been adopted with other FIV cats and many people have adopted FIV cats who have non-FIV cats without their non-FIV cats contracting it. We don t know yet how he gets along with other cats. Please discuss with your Veterinarian to help you decide. There is a vaccination for FIV that you can discuss with you Veterinarian as well. He should be O.K. with cat-friendly children. We don t know about dogs but he is so sweet that he might be O.K. with cat-friendly dogs. Come meet this extremely handsome and sweet young man.... More Info



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