Tiny - Female Chihuahua Mix

Some little dogs just can t get a break. Tiny has been rescued twice already once two years ago from a store parking lot and now again since her rescuer has just passed away. Tiny is lucky though. A friend of the family is keeping her safe until she can be adopted into a permanent loving home. Tiny is a sweet little dog who appears to be a Chihuahua mixed possibly with Dachshund. She is about 6 years old and weighs about 10 lbs. She is current on her vaccinations and seems in good health her veterinary records are available. Tiny is fostering in a home that has other dogs and cats including a rescued kitten. She is fine being left alone or with the other animals. But she is mainly a people dog good with all ages and she enjoys laptime. She loves walks and walks nicely on leash. Her late previous owner took Tiny everywhere with him work vacation etc. She loves to travel and does very well in the car. Tiny is house-trained using puppy pads and an indoor grass mat. She likes her toys and her bed (but will sleep with you under the covers if you let her.) If you are looking for a canine companion you can take with you everywhere and anywhere consider making arrangements for a meeting with Tiny. Note This is a courtesy posting for someone trying to re-home a pet. Any inquiries about this companion animal will only be answered after completion of an on-line application. Copy and paste the link below or go to -.-----.- and view all our pets available for adoption and you will be contacted by a Dusty Paws Rescue Representative within 24 hours after receipt of your application. -X -.-----.- resources dog-application... More Info



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