D Andre - Male Labrador RetrieverPit Bull Terrier Mix

Hey I am D Andre. My owner moved away and left me in her backyard to starve. Yea that was very nice of her. Well the neighbors came into action and took me and my sister into their safety. By the time they got to my sister she was too far gone and passed away. But I am now thriving and in search on my forever family. The other problem I have is that I was kept outside all my life and near a lake. Well my previous dumpee owner didnt take care of my health and I tested positive for those nasty heartworms. Wags is treating me now and hopefully soon I will be feeling much better But meanwhile while I am waiting to be healthy again I would love to find a family who would love to make me theirs. Wags keeps telling me that my before life wasnt a life a dog deserves and that I deserve a family who can treat me as part of the family I hope I find that soon and my happily ever after happens soon If you think that I am somebody you would like to love please email WAGS at ----X(at)--X to arrange to meet me. WAGS adoption fee is 125.00 for dogs and puppies. The fee covers the spay or neuter surgery up to date vaccinations and deworming. We have an adoption form that all potential adopters fill out. There is an informal interview conducted when you meet the dogs to determine what kind of home you will provide for a pet. ... More Info



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