Blake - Male German Shepherd Dog Mix

Hey Blake here I was living a good life until my life ended up at the shelter. I am a good boy not sure why my family never came back for me. But wags pulled me from the shelter and now I am living a good life at my foster moms house just waiting for my forever family to scoop me up I cannot wait to find them I hope they come for me soon If you think that I am somebody you would like to love please email WAGS at ----X(at)--X to arrange to meet me. WAGS adoption fee is 125.00 for dogs and puppies. The fee covers the spay or neuter surgery up to date vaccinations and deworming. We have an adoption form that all potential adopters fill out. There is an informal interview conducted when you meet the dogs to determine what kind of home you will provide for a pet. ... More Info



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