2012 Honda Civic Hybrid (1428-4348)

2012 HONDA CIVIC 4 DOOR HYBRID SEDAN. UNLEADED ELECTRIC -- WHITE -- 99 901 MILES. DINGS - SCRAPES - PAINT CHIPPED ON FRONT END -- UPHOLSTERY & FLOOR STAINS. VIN JHMFB4F21CS008538This vehicle is being sold by Online Auction on GovDeals.com.QAL 1428-4348Auction Ends 10 10 2018 The price listed in this ad is the starting or current bid and subject to change. All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and bidders may inspect prior to placing a bid.To see full details additional photos and current bid please go to s www.govdeals.com index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 4348& acctid 1428



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