Lewis - Male PointerLabrador Retriever Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Meet Lewis This puppy is one of a litter of 11 adorable Pointer Lab Shepherd mixes that are looking for loving homes They are sweet curious and playful and would make great additions to any family They would do well with other pets and families with children. Their mother Laney is a Pointer Lab mix and weighs approximately 50lbs the their father was probably a Shepherd mix due to the color variation of the litter.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADOPTION PLEASE READ ALL ADOPTION INFORMATION BELOW APPLY AT www.DogsFromMars.net Applications are usually processed within ONE BUSINESS DAY. Once approved you will be able to schedule a meeting with an available animal for our upcoming adoption event Please note that because our shelter is located in southern Illinois about 3 hours south of Champaign our animals are available for adoption in Champaign only during scheduled events and are available in Murphysboro IL between events by appointment.



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