Kit Kat - Female Domestic Shorthair

Kit-Kat (F) B WHi My name is Kit-Kat and I love to play and run around the house with my siblings (Joy Arlo Albert & Creed) and other cat foster friends I love climbing and sleeping on my kitty condo but most of all I love wrestling with my siblings. I am the quietest kitten of my litter I hardly make a peep (except with my brothers are playing too rough) My siblings and I were taken to animal control and then brought into rescue at just 7 wees old. Please adopt me and one of my siblings so I have a playmate If you have any questions or would like to meet this pet please email --X(at)-----X. Information about the rescue and adoption process can also be found at along with a full listing of our adoptable pets. Our adoption fees are as follows 135 kittens 2 - 6 months 120 kittens 7-11 months 100 cats 1 and over 75 special needs 150 special breeds 250 puppies 2-6 months 200 7 months on up 250 small breedsThis fee includes felv fiv heartworm testing worming flea and ear mite treatments age appropriate vaccinations spay neuter rabies vaccination and microchip with free registration.The adoption process includes an interview application adoption contract which includes a return obligation if adopter is needing to rehome pet. The adoption process may include a home visit.... More Info



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