Sprocket - Female Spaniel (Unknown Type)Chihuahua Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website. If you would like to take me home please complete a Pet Adoption Application Set your eyes on this little baby No one can say this puppy is not Cute with a capital C .Sprocket is the cutest puppy She is a Spaniel and Chihuahua mix. She is only 9 weeks old so we will update you on her as we get to know her. We have received your adoption application and will ask that you complete a task or two to help us move things along more quickly. Please be aware that there may be more than one application for this pet and that we do not adopt on a first come first serve basis but to the best home for the pet. Someone from Camp Papillon will be contacting you with the decision on the application within the next week. 1) The Department of Agriculture that regulates our Kennel License requires that we have documented proof of where we are sending our animals- so we have to ask you for a virtual tour of your home in case we do not have a volunteer to come and do a home visit. Would you please be so kind as to send the following pictures Outside of front and back of your home and your yard please include your fence if you have one your kitchen your family room or living room (where ever you spend most of your time with your pet) if you are going to crate- a picture of that and the bedrooms where he she might sleep. Once the photos are submitted we will start to process the rest of your application. 2) Most people in this day and age do not pick up or answer their phone if they are not familiar with the phone number. Would you be so kind as to let your personal references know we will be calling from -----X and that we will only take a few moments of their time. 3) Would you also call your vet s office and give them permission to speak with a representative from Camp Papillon Animal Shelter and that you are applying to adopt a pet. Thank you for your interest in adopting a pet and cooperation during the adoption process. -Adoption Team at Camp Papillon Animal Shelter Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. ... More Info



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