Mister - Male Dachshund

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Please contact Lois (--(at)---) for more information about this pet. Mixed Up Mutts Inc. PO Box 193 Westville IN 46391 -----X -.----.- -X(at)-----X Adoption fee 150 dogs and 45 cats If you are interested in adopting a dog from our organization please fill out the online application. You must have an approved application prior to meeting one of our dogs. There is no obligation to adopt but it does help us to expedite the process. Mister is a miniature long haired doxie. He weighs approximately 9 lbs and is 8 years old. He has dry eye in his left eye and require eye drops several times weekly. He is housebroken and easy going. He is fine with older children but he is pretty typical doxie and can get crabby if you pick him up too fast or unexpectedly and please don t wake him from a sound sleep ) He is active loves walks and car rides and just makes you laugh with his silliness He really enjoys being outside and he listens well. He does not enjoy nail trims or some veterinary procedures He just had his teeth cleaned and he is ready for his forever home. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. All MUM dogs and cats are fully vetted prior to adoption. For dogs this includes but is not limited to spay or neuter negative heartworm test vaccines (rabies distemper parvo & bordetella) microchip complete doses of intestinal all-wormer and heartworm and flea tick prevention. For cats this includes--but is not limited to--spay or neuter vaccines (rabies and distemper) microchip intestinal all-wormer and Revolution parasite preventative. Some cats may be tested vaccinated for feline leukemia or FIV or be declawed. Please review the description of each cat for more information. Occasionally MUM will receive an animal who needs more medical attention than listed above. MUM provides this for them yet does not add it to the adoption fee. Occasionally our adoption fees may be lower for special needs or senior dogs. Because of all this MUM relies heavily on all donations ... More Info



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