PUPPY JADA - Female Chihuahua Mix

Meet Jada the most ridiculously cute Chihuahua puppy you will ever meet Jada is small breed mix whose mother is a long haired Chihuahua and we think dad was a Shih Tzu mix. She was born on April 4th and while she is small in size she is big on personality with a quirky little face that will totally melt your heart. She was the only girl in a litter of 5 and has definitely learned to hold her own with her 4 larger brothers. She is a very petite girl we estimate that her adult weight will only be around 6 pounds. Jada never met a person dog or cat that she doesn t love she just wants to play and love on everyone. She is trained to potty on a pad so housebreaking should be an easy trick for her to learn. This little girl is truly one of a kind and will fill some lucky person or family with smiles.... More Info



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