Shadow - Chino Hills - Male Labrador RetrieverRetriever (Unknown

Shadow aka Shadow-Shadow-Bo-Bad-O This handsome guy has been working his tail off to learn what it takes to be a well mannered dog. He came from a sad life of neglect and wasn t given proper attention. It is because of his past that Shadow has a hard time controlling his energy when he is nervous or excited. Although Shadow is an adult dog he still has puppy tendencies and needs a strong leader to correct him and show him the proper way to behave in a loving home. He just recently discovered a love for water and enjoys fetching toys from the lake pool. Shadow does amazing on walks doesn t react to barking dogs while on his walk if you let him know he s doing good while he is calm. He is just learning the basics sit down and stay but he is very treat praise motivated and just wants to learn as much as you want to teach him. It is believed Shadow spent day after day bored in the backyard before he came to Priceless Pet Rescue. He tends to have times of over excitement so giving him a routine really helps Shadow to keep his energy focused and makes for a happier balanced dog. The more work you do with Shadow the more he will shine. He just needs a special someone to see his potential. If you are interested in meeting this gorgeous boy email ----XX(at)---... More Info



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