Zack - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

HISTORY ZACK his brothers ZAVIER and ZETH and their sister ZADA were found at a business in the Santa Fe area when still quite small and transferred to Felines & Friends so we could find them forever homes.TEMPERAMENT All the kittens are very sweet social and playful and would be happiest adopted with one or more siblings or in a home with another kitten or playful young cat to wrestle with. ZACK is a handsome boy with a short mostly smoke coat and dark smoke black tabby markings. AGE born approx. 4 17 16.MICROCHIP 981020017034519DATE OF STERILIZATION pending. VAX RECORD Rabies exp. 6 19 17 FVRCP pending. FELV FIV test 6 19 16 neg. ADOPTION FEE 100 If you are interested in adopting this cat please fill out our Adoption Application completely. In the space provided on the form please include contact information for three (3) personal references. For more information please visit our website at [Santa Fe Animal Svcs. Permit 16-006]... More Info



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